I am finished here in Dar and will be spending the remainder of my time in that region. In mid-July I hope to be in Nairobi for a Micah Network Conference on Climate Change. For the rest of the time I should be in Sengerema district, west of Mwanza. It is a collection of small villages where I will be living with a family, that doesnt speak English as far as I know, and working with SISA (sengerema infromal sector association). This is one of CRWRCs partners that works with several thousand individuals in a variety of ways. My conversations with the project director, who I will be working under and assisting, tells me that they have many micro-finance groups and several agroforestry projects, literacy groups, agricultural training projects, energy efficient stove teaching, as well as some health and HIV/AIDS projects. I am excited to leave the sometimes fast paced and busy city of Dar and get a feel for what the village looks like. This will also be a great test for my swahili.
I have been here just over a month now it seems. Time is flying so fast. I have had many ups and downs but overall I am learning so much, meeting many facinating people, and having a great time. Yesterday I celebrated my brithday with a few friends and was reminded of what an amazing experience I am able to have out here. I hope I can continue to have good health, learn (about myself, about development, about life, poverty, and my future) and be surrounded with supportive people here and all your prayers from abroad. Thanks for following along so far...
[I am not sure what my access to internet will be out there, but I will do my best to keep in touch.]

...and coworkers

Hi Geoff
ReplyDeleteHave a safe trip, learn lots, stay positive, claim the strength of Christ and remember you are loved.
Dad and Mom
Dear Jeff How are you doing We hope all is well at your new station Sorry for being so late but congratulateons with your birthday ,may the Lord keep you in his care in the year to come .We are doing fine hope to go cherry picking coming Monday We wish you well Opa and Oma.